August 19, 2020
2 mins

Web and Mobile design trends to look out for in 2021

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Digital designs are all about streamlining the user experience without compromising on usability, accessibility and aesthetics of any digital platform. Since mobile applications and websites are two major streams of digital presence for businesses in modern era, the design trends for both these platforms change periodically for the sake of improvement and innovation. As someone who is serious about the website of app design, you can follow the new trends for better results.


Gone are the days when mobile and web developers relied on filling the empty spaces to make pages look fuller. The modern approach is to minimize the design elements to boost visitor exposure for content and design that actually matters. Mobile and web developers are actively using minimal menus, compact content spaces and clearer, comprehensive image banners to deliver the message effectively and clearly.

Figure one: clean user interface

Friendly Navigation

Ever since the users have started to favour friendly navigations over complicated navigations, the web and mobile designer and developers have become more focused on making everything more accessible. Designers are using more creative navigation options like disappearing navigation buttons during periods of non-usability of platform, cool animations for navigation buttons, multiple navigation options and endless scrolling for mobile pages with more content.


It would not be wrong to label story-telling as the revolutionary mobile and web design trend for the recent years. Using a combination of special graphics and illustrations helps in delivering your brand’s message effectively. Once users get a hold of your brand’s message, it becomes easier to retain their attention and improve accessibility of services for the end users.

Voice Activation

Apart from the AR, VR and cloud-based app and web design trends, voice activation is another sustainable design trend for mobile and web developers. Voice-activation interface is being used to allow users open, navigate and access services from apps and websites. It also offers a great margin for experimentation for the brands to choose the best voice activation interface.